How a Termite Colony Operates

How Does a Termite Colony Begin?​

A termite colony often starts out when two reproductive termites (known as “swarmers”) leave the nest to fly to their next destination which is typically only a few yards away at best, but sometimes strong winds can carry them even further, like onto rooftops or other structures. This initial flight is known as the “mating flight” is not survivable for many swarmers as they get eaten by other animals like frogs for example.

Upon arrival, the swarmers that do survive burrow and then later arise for mating purposes. The female termite releases a type of pheromone (just like perfume) that attracts a male companion. The swarmers shed their wings and then burrow themselves in a “royal” chamber that is sealed off by saliva and other waste. The male and female mate and become kind and queen of a new colony.

Building The Colony

During the first go around the female generally produces 6 to 12 eggs
There are at least 2000 known termite species worldwide They are classified according to the location chosen for the nest of the colony. You have subterranean termite colonies that burrow in the ground, and others that burry themselves in wood like dampwood or drywood.

Termite Collectivism And Maturity

Termite colonies have swarmers (your kings and your queens), workers who source food for the colony, and soldiers who act as protectors. Termites are small insects that are typically no larger than part of your fingernail. However, collectively, they can be a force to be reckoned with when it comes to architecture. They can build mounds that are 17 feet high but other structures are more inconspicuous.

Termite colonies can take many years to mature, a queen can live up to 30 years and these termites might damage your property, however, you may not notice the damage until years down the road. If you do come across a termite colony on your property then call your local pest control company.

PRO TIP: If you see winged termites in or near your house, you probably have a termite colony nearby. Be sure to contact Sniper Termite and Pest LLC in order to exterminate any potential termite problem in your home or business.

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Learn about termite inspection and control here

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